Anti-Reflective Room

Anti-reflective coating (also called “AR coating” or “anti-glare coating”) improves vision, reduces eye strain and makes your eyeglasses look more attractive.

anti-reflective room

These benefits are due to the ability of AR coating to virtually eliminate reflections from the front and back surfaces of your eyeglass lenses. With reflections gone, more light passes through your lenses to optimize visual acuity with fewer distractions (especially at night), and the lenses look nearly invisible — which enhances your appearance by drawing more attention to your eyes and helping you make better “eye contact” with others.

modern anti-reflective coatings

Today’s modern anti-reflective coatings can virtually eliminate the reflection of light from eyeglass lenses, allowing 99.5 percent of available light to pass through the lenses and enter the eye for good vision.

nearly invisible eyeglass

By eliminating reflections, AR coating also makes your eyeglass lenses look nearly invisible so people can see your eyes and facial expressions more clearly. Anti-reflective glasses also are more attractive, so you can look your best in all lighting conditions.


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786 518 3391




8200 NW 27TH Street Suite 114 Doral FL 33122


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